On Tuesday November 3rd, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris broke barriers and made history this latest election, by receiving the most votes ever placed in a presidential race! I think it’s fairly obvious that would be the case after suffering through the last four years of lies and half truths being served up by our current administration and in true Trump fashion, he has made every moment of his term and the ending of his term great entertainment to the sane, right til the end. No one I know personally has taken the current President seriously and have wondered how this man has maintained the highest office in this land after numerous scandals, impeachment and lying to the point that commentators and fact checkers have described it as “unprecedented” in American politics. 
The fact is, the new administration was CHOSEN for the PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE.
I find it hilarious that the current administration would go as far as claim that ANY party would lower their standing in government to be a part of a mass scheme to oust the current President. The fact remains that the President started losing the publics support long before he started “tantruming” about possible voting fraud and tampering, which I believe he did because he knows it’s possible from personal experience in 2016. But that’s just MY opinion.However, the new President elect and Vice President Harris, who boast Joe being, “A President for ALL Americans”,  have graciously accepted their roles and have already spoke about the REAL issues which include a NEW Covid-19 task force, strengthening racial relationship and easing social tension, Health care for ALL Americans and rebuilding the Economy.
I have added the latest Mass Mandates for Covid containment and progress which can be found here:

Please don’t brush this off.
​ Covid hasn’t gone away and needs immediate serious attention from some REAL Political Leaders, Scientist and Medical professionals that have the education and training to help the masses and keep the economy on point. It feels good to trust my leaders again. Please remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing by keeping a good 6 feet from people you don’t know and don’t come into regular contact with. Do Not gather in large groups and keep your hands washed and sanitized as much as possible! Stay Safe and don’t pass germs by staying home if you don’t feel well and if you suspect you are showing symptoms, GET TESTED! Tests are easy and free.