La’Key- R&B/Neo Soul Artist…

Come experience the sounds of La’Key, native of Mobile, Al. “How It Feel” debut EP is a representation of all free spirits and emotional empaths. Every song is derived from a personal place deep within La’Key’s heart. Growing up, La’Key always had a passion for music even as a child. She plays clarinet drums, piano, and tuba.

Music runs deep in her veins. As a mother of two, La’Key understands the hardships in life and her music is her voice. Download and come on this great sounding emotional roller coaster. You will not regret it… When La’Key and I started discussing American Politics, La’key had this to say about our current political election, “Honestly, this election I was disappointed with our candidates and I tried to stay out of it but I guess that’s impossible, because I just didn’t feel right not voting. I believe Biden will bring something different to the table and I do like the fact we have our first black woman as Vice President but I don’t want that to be the only reason I’m for him. So Biden has to show himself approved.” I asked her about Trumps claims on voting fraud and she replied,” I don’t think it was fraud this year with the election. I saw sooo many of us, black people at the polls this year it made me proud, more than any other year.” I had to ask how La’Key felt how the new administration would take control of the Covid crisis and she said,”I believe this administration may take COVID a little more lightly but I do feel the world is forever changed by this disease.” La’Key does many professional gigs in the south, so I had to know how Covid has effected her ability to perform and she explained,” COVID negatively and positively impacted me, as an artist, you need crowds and you need exposures so quarantine was vicious lol but the great thing about it is I’m introvert and it gave me time to create and shutting the world off kinda helped rid distractions but now it’s getting old time to enjoy shows without the fear of Coronavirus.”

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